The GeoJson Layer takes in GeoJson formatted data and renders it as interactive polygons, lines and points

  data = get_map_data(map),
  layer_id = NULL,
  stroke_colour = NULL,
  stroke_opacity = NULL,
  stroke_width = NULL,
  dash_size = NULL,
  dash_gap = NULL,
  fill_colour = NULL,
  fill_opacity = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  elevation = NULL,
  extruded = FALSE,
  light_settings = list(),
  legend = F,
  legend_options = NULL,
  legend_format = NULL,
  auto_highlight = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  highlight_colour = "#AAFFFFFF",
  palette = "viridis",
  na_colour = "#808080FF",
  line_width_units = c("metres", "pixels"),
  line_width_scale = 1,
  line_width_min_pixels = 0,
  elevation_scale = 1,
  point_radius_scale = 1,
  point_radius_min_pixels = 1,
  update_view = TRUE,
  focus_layer = FALSE,
  digits = 6,
  transitions = NULL



a mapdeck map object


data to be used in the layer. Can be a url to GeoJSON


single value specifying an id for the layer. Use this value to distinguish between shape layers of the same type. Layers with the same id are likely to conflict and not plot correctly


column of an sf object, or field inside a GeoJSON property to use for colour


column of an sf object, or field inside a GeoJSON property to use for opacity


column of an sf object, or field inside a GeoJSON property to use for width (in meters)


size of each dash, relative to the width of the stroke


size of the gap between dashes, relative to the width of the stroke


column of an sf object, or field inside a GeoJSON property to use for colour


column of an sf object, or field inside a GeoJSON property to use for opacity


radius of points in meters. Default 1. See details


elevation of polygons. Default 0. See details


logical indicating if polygons should extrude from the map. If TRUE, stroke_colour for polygons is ignored


list of light setting parameters. See light_settings


either a logical indiciating if the legend(s) should be displayed, or a named list indicating which colour attributes should be included in the legend. A legend is only shown if you supply one of the colour arguments (fill or stroke)


A list of options for controlling the legend.


A list containing functions to apply to legend values. See section legend


logical indicating if the shape under the mouse should auto-highlight


variable of data containing text or HTML to render as a tooltip. Only works on sf objects.


hex string colour to use for highlighting. Must contain the alpha component.


string or matrix. String will be one of colourvalues::colour_palettes(). A matrix must have at least 5 rows, and 3 or 4 columns of values between [0, 255], where the 4th column represents the alpha. You can use a named list to specify a different palette for different colour options (where available), e.g. list(fill_colour = "viridis", stroke_colour = "inferno")


hex string colour to use for NA values


The units of the line width, one of 'meters', 'pixels'. When zooming in and out, meter sizes scale with the base map, and pixel sizes remain the same on screen.


The line width multiplier that multiplied to all lines, including the LineString and MultiLineString features and also the outline for Polygon and MultiPolygon features if the stroked attribute is true


The minimum line width in pixels.


Elevation multiplier. The final elevation is calculated by elevationScale * getElevation(d). elevationScale is a handy property to scale all polygon elevation without updating the data


A global radius multiplier for all points.


The minimum radius in pixels.


logical indicating if the map should update the bounds to include this layer


logical indicating if the map should update the bounds to only include this layer


number of digits for rounding coordinates


list specifying the duration of transitions.


The transitions argument lets you specify the time it will take for the shapes to transition from one state to the next. Only works in an interactive environment (Shiny) and on WebGL-2 supported browsers and hardware.

The time is in milliseconds

Available transitions for geojson

list( fill_colour = 0, stroke_colour = 0, stroke_width = 0, elevation = 0, radius = 0 )

Raw Geojson

If using a GeoJSON string, and you do not suppply one of the colouring arguments, the function will look for these fields inside the properties field of the Geojson


  • fill_colour

  • fillColour

  • fill_color

  • fillColor

  • fill


  • stroke_colour

  • strokeColour

  • stroke_color

  • strokeColor

  • stroke

  • line_colour

  • lineColour

  • line_color

  • lineColor

  • line


  • stroke_width

  • strokeWdith

  • line_width

  • lineWidth

  • width

  • elevation

  • radius

These colour values should be valid hex-colour strings.

If you do provide values for the colouring arguments, the function will assume you want to use specific fields in the geojson for colouring. However, if you only supply a fill_colour value, the function will not automatically detect the stroke_colour (and vice versa)


If the data is a simple feature object, the geometry column is automatically detected. If the sf object contains more than one geometry column and you want to use a specific one, you'll need to set the active geometry using sf::st_geometry( x ) <- "your_column" , where "your_column" is the name of the column you're activating. See ?sf::st_geometry


The legend_options can be used to control the appearance of the legend. This should be a named list, where the names are one of

  • css - a string of valid css for controlling the appearance of the legend

  • title - a string to use for the title of the legend

  • digits - number to round the legend values to

If the layer allows different fill and stroke colours, you can use different options for each. See examples in add_arc.

The legend_format can be used to control the format of the values in the legend. This should be a named list, where the names are one of

  • fill_colour

  • stroke_colour

depending on which type of colouring the layer supports.

The list elements must be functions to apply to the values in the legend.


# \donttest{ ## You need a valid access token from Mapbox key <- 'abc' set_token( key ) ## Not supplying colouring arguments, the function will try and find them in the GeoJSON mapdeck( , location = c(145, -37.9) , zoom = 8 , style = mapdeck_style("dark") , pitch = 35 ) %>% add_geojson( data = geojson , auto_highlight = TRUE )
#> Error in add_geojson(., data = geojson, auto_highlight = TRUE): unused argument (auto_highlight = TRUE)
## only supplying values to use for fill, the stroke will be default mapdeck( , location = c(145, -37.9) , zoom = 8 , style = mapdeck_style("dark") , pitch = 35 ) %>% add_geojson( data = geojson , fill_colour = "random" )
#> Error in add_geojson(., data = geojson, fill_colour = "random"): unused argument (fill_colour = "random")
mapdeck( , location = c(145, -37.9) , zoom = 8 , style = mapdeck_style("dark") , pitch = 35 ) %>% add_geojson( data = geojson , fill_colour = "random" , stroke_colour = "random" )
#> Error in add_geojson(., data = geojson, fill_colour = "random", stroke_colour = "random"): unused arguments (fill_colour = "random", stroke_colour = "random")
mapdeck( , location = c(145, -37.9) , zoom = 8 , style = mapdeck_style("dark") , pitch = 35 ) %>% add_geojson( data = geojson , fill_colour = "random" , stroke_colour = "random" , elevation = 300 )
#> Error in add_geojson(., data = geojson, fill_colour = "random", stroke_colour = "random", elevation = 300): unused arguments (fill_colour = "random", stroke_colour = "random", elevation = 300)
## putting elevation and width values onto raw GeoJSON library(geojsonsf)
#> #> Attaching package: ‘geojsonsf’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:googleway’: #> #> geo_melbourne
sf <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf( geojson ) sf$width <- sample(1:100, size = nrow(sf), replace = TRUE) sf$elevation <- sample(100:1000, size = nrow(sf), replace = T) geo <- geojsonsf::sf_geojson( sf ) mapdeck( , location = c(145, -37.9) , zoom = 8 , style = mapdeck_style("dark") , pitch = 35 ) %>% add_geojson( data = geo )
#> Error in google_dispatch(map, method, google_map = { x = map$x$calls if (is.null(x)) x = list() n = length(x) x[[n + 1]] = list(functions = method, args = args) map$x$calls = x map}, google_map_update = { invoke_remote(map, method, args)}): Invalid map parameter
# }