As of version 0.2.2 you can add mapdeck
layers to a googleway
Google Map.
Very simple. You add Mapdeck’s dependencies to the map
googleway::google_map() %>% mapdeck::add_dependencies()
Then you can add any of the layers
googleway::google_map() %>% mapdeck::add_dependencies() %>% mapdeck::add_path( data = roads , stroke_colour = "ROAD_TYPE" , legend = T )
If you’re using shiny
you also need to add mapdeck_dependencies()
to the UI
library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(mapdeck) library(googleway) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), dashboardBody( mapdeck::mapdeck_dependencies() , box( width = 12 , google_mapOutput( outputId = "map" , height = "600" ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { #set_key("GOOGLE_KEY") output$map <- renderGoogle_map({ google_map() %>% mapdeck::add_dependencies() %>% mapdeck::add_path( data = mapdeck::roads , stroke_width = 10 , stroke_colour = "ROAD_TYPE" , legend = TRUE ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)