A Find Place request takes a text input, and returns a place. The text input can be any kind of Places data, for example, a name, address, or phone number

google_find_place(input, inputtype = c("textquery", "phonenumber"),
  language = NULL, fields = place_fields(), point = NULL,
  circle = NULL, rectangle = NULL, simplify = TRUE,
  curl_proxy = NULL, key = get_api_key("find_place"))



The text input specifying which place to search for (for example, a name, address, or phone number).


The type of input. This can be one of either textquery or phonenumber. Phone numbers must be in international format (prefixed by a plus sign ("+"), followed by the country code, then the phone number itself).


string The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. Searches are also biased to the selected language; results in the selected language may be given a higher ranking. See the list of supported languages and their codes https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport.


vector of place data types to return. All Basic fields are returned by default. See details


vector of lat & lon values. Prefer results near this point.


list of two elements, point (vector of lat & lon) and radius. Prefer results in this circle. Ignored if point is supplied


list of two elements, sw (vector of lat & lon) and ne (vector of lat & lon) specifying the south-west and north-east bounds of a rectangle. Prefer results in this rectangle. Ignored if either point or circle are supplied


logical - TRUE indicates the returned JSON will be coerced into a list. FALSE indicates the returend JSON will be returned as a string into a list.


a curl proxy object


string A valid Google Developers Places API key.


Fields correspond to place search results https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search#PlaceSearchResults and are divided into three billing categories: Basic, Contact and Atmosphere.

Basic fields are billed at base rate, and incur no additional charges. Contact and atmosphere fields are billed at a hihger rate. See pricing sheet for more information https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/sheet/?__utma=102347093.1187532699.1510801584.1537138439.1537138439.1&__utmb=102347093.0.10.1537138439&__utmc=102347093&__utmx=-&__utmz=102347093.1537138439.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=133826830&_ga=2.227832157.1738618203.1537137400-1187532699.1510801584

  • Basic - formatted_address, geometry, icon, id, name, permanently_closed, photos, place_id, plus_code, types

  • Contact - opening_hours

  • Atmosphere - price_level, rating

See also


## specifying fields google_find_place( input = "Museum of Contemporary Art Australia" , fields = c("photos","formatted_address","name","rating","opening_hours","geometry") )
#> Error in get_default_key(): No API key provided. Use either set_key() to set a key, or provide it as a function argument in the 'key' parameter
## Using location bias - circle google_find_place( input = "Mongolian Grill" , circle = list(point = c(47.7, -122.2), radius = 2000) )
#> Error in get_default_key(): No API key provided. Use either set_key() to set a key, or provide it as a function argument in the 'key' parameter
## finding by a phone number google_find_place( input = "+61293744000" , inputtype = "phonenumber" )
#> Error in get_default_key(): No API key provided. Use either set_key() to set a key, or provide it as a function argument in the 'key' parameter